Hey everyone! Sorry for the super long delay in posts- I've had some computer issues recently which resulted in a brand spanking new laptop. Wooohoo.
Now onto my latest review. So from speaking with my fellow YA readers and trolling through Goodreads, I have come to the conclusion that people have mixed feelings about Lauren Kate and the Fallen series. Personally, I really enjoyed the series--well the first book and the last one. I came at Teardrop with some hesitation. I was BEYOND excited to start reading this, but it ended up taking me months to actually pick it up; reason being that the summary sucked. Really, really blew.
Finally, I decided to go ahead and give it a whirl and I have to say that I genuinely found myself engaged. These days between my fulltime job and all of my boring adult responsibilities, finding time to read is precious and difficult. With that said, I finished Teardrop in two days.
As I write this, I honestly am having trouble figuring out what exactly I enjoyed. Kate's writing has always been truly engaging. I adore her ability to take ideologies that are already engrained in common culture and create her own story line and cast of characters. So, let's start with what I did enjoy.
I enjoyed the writing. I enjoyed the story. I found both totally engaging, which explains why I finished in such a short time.
Things I didn't like. The characters. Seriously. There was not a single character in this book that I could relate. The main female character, Eureka, was unlikeable and selfish. Two traits I normally do not find appealing in my heroines. Ander, the love interest, was barely a spec in the story despite the fact that it begins from his point-of-view.
Overall, readers I would say that the story and the writing warrants a read, but if you aren't someone who generally enjoys Kate's work than you probably won't like this book either.
I'm in the "don't like Lauren Kate at all" boat and so I don't think I'll be reading Teardrop anytime soon. I'm glad you like her writing though!!
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