Sunday, March 23, 2014

Unbreakable (The Legion, #1)Beautiful By Kami Garcia

I'm going to be honest. I was not a fan of Beautiful Creatures.  I liked the general idea of the book, but it just wasn't my cup of tea. Normally, when I haven't enjoyed a previous piece from an author I avoid them. It's really important to impress me early on in your career, cause boy am I a YA snob. With that all said, when I read the excerpt from Unbreakable,  Garcia's solo project and the first book in The Legion series, I figured I would check it out.

A book about demon hunters, featuring a girl hunter, hand it over! When I did get an opportunity to sit down and read the book I was extremely excited. The reviews were great, the summary was good, and it was time for something a little bit different. Honestly, I cannot remember reading any recent YA about demon hunters, but I'm a big Supernatural  fan. 

The book itself was a very quick read and had enough adventure to keep it interesting. It follows main character Kennedy, as she learns that she is part of a secret-demon hunting society called The Legion of the Black Dove. I don't like Kennedy. She annoyed me. Personally, I like a strong, female character--one who kicks butt and possibly has a bow and arrow. Kennedy is a little too much of a baby for my taste. She did develop as the novel progressed and I'm hoping that as the series continues she will grow. 

The overall story was great. I anticipated every chapter. But, I also have some issues with the lore. Writing is difficult and I have great respect for people with the ability to create totally new worlds, and that kind of happened here. I get that you can only talk so much about demons and demon hunting techniques, but Garcia seemed to borrow a lot from the show Supernatural and their creators. It's not that it hurt the book, it'll definitely draw similar fans, it's just hard to lose yourself in the world Garcia created when you are waiting for Sam and Dean to make a guest appearance. 

Overall I give this 6/10 I'm exciting to see what the rest of the series brings for Kennedy especially but I was not blown away.  



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